Welcome to Retford Athletic Club and thank you for checking out our website. This site has been developed to provide a general introduction to our club for anybody who is interested in athletics and running and is considering joining our club. It also provides ‘first point’ information for existing club members.
We have two Facebook pages for keeping people up to date with the latest news. An open site which anybody can access and a ‘closed’ junior site just for junior members and their parents.
If you are interested in joining the Junior section of the club please send an email to:
The Senior section is always happy to welcome new members of all abilities, if you email mfielding88@btinternet.com we can arrange some taster sessions.
We also always need volunteers to help run the club and to train as coaches.

From its humble beginnings the club now boasts road, cross country and fell running sections in the senior cohort and track and field, cross country and sportshall opportunities for the juniors.
We provide qualified coaches for all training groups and we provide athletic facilities and equipment for all disciplines except Hammer and Pole Vault.

Interclub XC Winners!!!!
Retford AC ladies retain their Interclub XC title for the 3rd year running. head over to the Blog page to read all about it and check out the pictures. Also visit the Interclub XC page to see all the results. Well done everyone!
Retford Half Marathon
The Retford Half Marathon and Dave Maiden Family Fun Run is once again back for 2024 and will be run on Sunday 10th March. Please see the Retford Half Marathon tab to find up to date information and a link to the online booking system.
To celebrate the clubs 40th anniversary of it being formed, Retford AC are putting on a family fun day on Sunday 9th July from 11am - 5pm. There will be lots of fun things to keep people enteratined inlcuding our annual Sinclair Supermile were athletes will be battling it out to beat their mile PBS and each other. The races will be starting from 3pm. Come along with a pinic and chairs/blanket and enjoy the atmosphere and join in with the games and stalls we have instore. We look forward to welcoming you and your families on what we expect to be a brilliant day for all.
Covid-19 — Update 1st july 2022
Our club is fully open although we are taking precautions in line with Government guidance to ensure that we are compliant with all Government and England Athletics requirements in relation to Covid 19. We ask all athletes and members to abide by these conditions and to take personal responsibility for themselves and for others during their time with us.
The Junior Section, 7-18 is currently taking on new members in certain ages categories.
The Senior Section has unlimited recruitment opportunities.
Please see the Membership section of this website for more information about joining.

how to find us
Visit us on club nights - Monday and Thursday 18.30 or contact the Club Chairman, Club Secretary, Senior Section Membership, or the Junior Section Membership Secretary by following the links below.
Oaklands Playing Field,
Caledonian Road,
Mondays & Thursdays at 18.30
Chairman: Steve Woodward
Secretary: Mark Fielding
Senior Section Membership Secretary: Mark Fielding / Tom Preece
Junior Section Membership Secretary: Lisa Foster