All rounder competition
All Rounder competition 2024
The competition is designed to reward athletes who compete on a regular basis for the club and across a range of distances and terrains. These is also a gender and age-related element to make the competition a ‘level playing field’ for all. Club vests must be worn for points to be allocated and only fully paid up 1st claim members are eligible for All Rounder Competition points.
Interclub Cross Country
There are 5 events held each year – the best 4 scores to count.
The first placed man/lady will receive 122 points, the 2nd 120 points, 3rd 119 points etc.
If a club member marshals at an event 100 point will be awarded.
Notts AAA Summer League
There are 5 events held on Wednesday evenings, best 3 to count.
These events are scored the same as the cross country series and the same criteria/rules apply.
Off Road/Trail Races
This year there will be 2 nominated races – best 1 to count
The points system will work the same as the Cross Country Series.
Grand Prix
These are the nominated 9 Grand Prix events – best 5 to count.
The scores are calculated on performance for age/gender rather than position for the club in the race. The scores are worked out based on the athletes age on the race day and equated from the set record times. It’s a formula – if you want further information please see Ollie – but the general idea is the faster you run, the older you are the better
Bonus Points
This year bonus points will be allocated in the following way:
Marathon (measured approved distance) = 250 points
Ultra-Marathon (40 miles plus in approved event) = 300 points
Sinclair Mile Age Grade out of 500 points
Prizes will be awarded to the Male/Female winner, runner-up and 3rd place. To be eligible athletes must score at least 2,000 points over the year.
I hope this makes sense – it is hoped to be a fun way to recognise the achievements of all athletes (despite age/gender) across a range and type of events.